2013 / 12 / 30

DIY Xiangshou good health slimming tea in the office

Tea can not only antioxidant , but also play a slimming effect. And once you get used to drink tea , even in the office can enjoy a full afternoon tea fun. Today we introduce several tea , slimming excellent results.
Some women long to take office , working in air-conditioned environment , the skin was very dry, it is becoming increasingly flabby belly . At this time, the tea is a good way to lose weight , drinking tea can Cellulite and health . Make your face more beautiful. Here, Xiao Bian teach you how to homemade slimming tea , detoxifies and Cellulite , so you can be healthy in the office Xiangshou .
Tea contains aromatic compounds can dissolve the fat , greasy Huazhuo prevent stagnation body fat . Vitamin B1, C and caffeine can promote the secretion of gastric juice , and help digestion and Cellulite .
Slimming tea by the functional and toxicology experiments show that decomposition can promote fat metabolism and maintain normal physiological function, to overcome the type for food , feces or nerve damage suppression dietary laws and other weight loss products , reduce the body's functions, and other disadvantages induced diseases .
Tea polyphenols have improved metabolism , antioxidant, free radical scavenging and so on , can be solved by a number of triglyceride lipase and the role of activated protein kinase , reducing the accumulation of fat cells , and therefore achieve weight loss results .
1 , ginseng tea roses :
2-3 slices of ginseng , roses, red dates amount. ( Ginseng can boost the spirit , slow aging, roses can soothe the nerves , as well as the effectiveness of cellulite slimming beauty Oh ! But still want to remind you, because the nature of this road biased warm tea with stomach fire , or MM partial positive physical availability attention, may be too hot to drink ! quality is too strong or known intestinal constipation prohibited. )
2 , thin rhubarb tea:
Rhubarb and green tea with hot water at a ratio of 1:3 to drink brew . ( This tea can lose weight eat Cellulite is a great boon to thin you want the rhubarb but cold , spleen or stomach Void caution in MM Oh ! Common constipation or face with acne mm optimum use )
3 , Hawthorn Roselle slimming tea:
Hawthorn 1 money, Roselle 2 , chrysanthemum 5 , Pu'er tea, a spoon , sugar 2 spoons . ( Slimming tea is the star , with the effect of hawthorn promote digestion , is simply perfect partner addition to weight loss, this course tea also has a bright eyes, moisturizes the skin , can be said that beauty thin double benefit ! Hawthorn Roselle 's warm plus cold chrysanthemum , nature has been neutralized , should fit most MM drinking ! )
4 , ebony slimming tea :
Hawthorn 3 money, Shen Qu 2 money, dried tangerine peel 2 money , ebony 5 , cassia 2 money, Plantago 3 money , Radish 3 money, Polygonum 3 money , Alisma 3 money, licorice 2 money, water boiled as tea drink. ( Plum, hawthorn , cassia seed , orange peel and psyllium , which have good fat role, and Polygonum not dry and not greasy, the liver and kidney of the top grade . Although this road many Chinese tea , in fact, are more have a good conditioning effect on the stomach of the flat of herbs for weight loss should be regarded as a very good one tea ! )
5 , fragrant orange jujube tea :
Fresh orange peel 1 ( or kumquat 2 ) , jujube 5 , 1 tea bag . ( Available qi and phlegm , eliminate grease, dirt and greasy polyester , weight loss , appetite Qi, spring primary germinal , tune up the liver , along the natural gas conditioning a good figure )
6 , healthy fat burning tea:
Roasted Cassia a two fried Hawthorn 3 money 2 money dried tangerine peel , licorice 2 . ( This course tea can help rectify the stomach , promote digestion and Cellulite , but people who want to lose weight , remember that absolutely can not sugar ! Drying time in the fall , you can also make use of hawthorn or cassia etc. Yin dryness , can make skin more supple material ! ) low blood pressure , anemia women avoid using !
7 , the former Citrus car slimming tea :
Citrus 1 money, plantain, green tea each 1.5 money. ( Can be refreshing , diuretic , weight loss, spleen dampness type suitable for obesity . )
8 , double flowers drink :
Honeysuckle one two , one two chrysanthemum , hawthorn, a two , a little honey . ( Available lipid-lowering diet , obesity stomach fit for human consumption ! Also summer hot weather digestion tea Oh ! Spring sickness prone , easy to get on respiratory mm suitable for drinking )
9 , rose jasmine green tea :
Roses, jasmine amount, green tea bag 1 . ( This course tea combines the fragrance of roses and sweet green tea may Cellulite thin , fat , especially belly fat . Additionally , roses can improve endocrine disorders, blood gas conditioning , air- conditioning , so that the skin ruddy and shiny. Stomach bad person, you can substitute green tea , are less likely to cause irritation to the stomach ! )
10 , Roselle lotus leaf tea:
Roselle 4 money , half a slice of lotus leaf , honey. ( Roselle sweet and sour taste , tasty, can remove greasy, eliminate flatulence, promote metabolism, promote secretion of bile to break down excess body fat, while a variety of beneficial ingredients can skincare . )
11 , Hawthorn lotus leaf tea:
Hawthorn 5 money, lotus 3 money , jujube 2-3 pieces . ( This tract tea can lower body fat , spleen , blood pressure, clear mind . Effectively eliminate winter quietly brought fat, women quickly found a small pot of drinking it! )
12 , thin tea lavender tea:
Lavender 3 grams , mint leaves 3-5 pieces . ( Full tea fragrance , in addition to stability and nerves, hormones, can promote metabolism, reduce body fat accumulation , remove intestinal toxins, full of female youth style , away from obesity. )
Precautions drinking slimming tea
As more and more women choose to lose weight , so weight loss tea will become more and more quickly to those who would choose the MM thin slimming tea , because in their eyes, only it is the most rapidly . But you know what? Slimming tea also can not just drink, drink diet tea , there are many taboos , if we slightly inattentive , it will endanger health.
Pregnant women should not drink diet tea
Because pregnant women , in addition to the supply of nutrients absorbed by their own need to maintain a normal life , but had to supply growing needs of the fetus , so the nutritional needs at this time than before pregnancy and more, this time not to lose weight.
Ulcer patients drink diet tea
Slimming tea tea contains a certain amount of caffeine , caffeine can promote the secretion of gastric acid , leading to acid concentration, can induce ulceration or perforation , ulcer patients therefore unfit to drink slimming tea .
Do not drink diet tea after fever
Tea contains theophylline , elevated body temperature effect, fever patients should not drink diet tea, if tea is nothing short of "fuel ." So remember , do not drink during the fever, weight loss tea.
Note that the choice of quality slimming tea
Some slimming tea added amphetamines and Phentermine and other drugs, this drug can suppress appetite, thereby temporarily lose weight. But taking these drugs , often have high blood pressure , heart palpitations and other side effects.
Holidays should not drink tea to lose weight
During menstruation , due to pelvic congestion, would abdominal discomfort, taking slimming tea , because tea in promoting the role of the stomach and intestines , but also make slight abdominal pain , it is recommended 2-3 days before the menstrual period , not taking or reduction is due.
Do not drink tea immediately after a meal to lose weight
Tea contains tannic acid can react with the iron in food produce insoluble substance , can cause the body iron deficiency , induced anemia. So, drinking diet tea is the right way : one hour after the meal drink .
Do not drink diet tea during lactation
Lactating women need a better nutritional value of milk to feed the baby. Women after childbirth , the body will change as hormone levels , and within a year will be in the adjustment , so it should not be taken during breastfeeding slimming tea.
Appropriate change several slimming tea drink
Spring tea , can promote human germinal yang ; summer green tea , can detoxify , enhance gastrointestinal function ; autumn green tea , can completely eliminate body heat ; winter tea, rich in protein , has a tonic effect .

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